Freeport Fire Department TEMS
September 18, 2023
Stephenson County Crime Stop donated $11,500 to be used for training and equipment needed by Freeport Fire Department TEMS.
Crime Stop helps police acquire valuable training tool.
December 12, 2018
We are so very proud that we were able to help the Freeport Police Department acquire this valuable training tool. It is important that law enforcement agencies here in Stephenson County have direct access to the latest training technology.
Use of Force Simulator
Shop With A Cop 2018
December 08, 2018
Stephenson County Crime Stop Supports Shop With A Cop
On December 8th, 2018, Stephenson County Crime Stop presented Freeport Police Department Police Benevolent & Protective Association (PBPA) Unit #9 with a $1,000 donation for use with their annual Shop With A Cop event. We are proud to support such a worthwhile cause in our community.
(Pictured above from left to right: Crime Stop Treasurer Jim Witt, Freeport Police Department Sgt. Chris Shenberger, and Crime Stop Vice President Richard Van Raden)
No Soliciting Signs
August 03, 2018
If you are like a lot of people, you probably do not like having door-to-door sales people showing up at your house unannounced. If you want to keep door-to-door sales people away you need to have a "no soliciting" sign posted on, or near your front door. Stephenson County Crime Stop has printed no soliciting signs that can be obtained from us for free. These signs are the size required by Freeport City Ordinance.